Thursday, 12 August 2010

National Youth Forum

Commemorating International Youth Day in Timor-Leste

On August 12-13, a National Youth Forum will be convened, as part of the Youth Radio for Peace Building Project. The project – for youth, by youth, and about youth – is being implemented by Search for Common Ground (SFCG), and is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

The Youth Forum will bring together more than 70 youth leaders (between the ages of 17-29) from all 13 of Timor-Leste’s districts. The Youth Forum will be held at the ex-CNRT facility in Balide, starting on August 12th, International Youth Day. The Youth Forum will also officially launch the International Year of Youth in Timor-Leste.

The Youth Forum will use be facilitated using an innovative methodology called Open Space Technology (OST) to stimulate youth discussion on issues relevant to youth in the country, specifically related to conflict transformation. The Youth Forum will engage youth leaders on topics and themes that are important to Timorese youth, helping youth identify constructive solutions to shared challenges. The issues discussed and feedback from the youth forum will provide SFCG and its media partners with valuable material for creative production of its soonto- be launched youth radio magazine program, Babadok Rebenta!, a key component of the Youth Radio for Peace Building Project. In addition, the National Youth Forum will provide youth the opportunity to develop strong networks as a means to coordinate around issues affecting youth. Finally, the results of the Youth Forum will inform key stakeholders in government and civil society about youth aspirations and challenges, as they develop youth and peace building strategies in Timor-Leste.

For more information about the National Youth Forum or the Youth Radio for Peace Building Project, please contact Jose C. Guterres, SFCG-TL Program Manager: +670 725-3877.